"A Wise Man Once Said An Error Does Not Become a Mistake Until You Refuse to Correct it" ~ John F. Kennedy ~ [click here to listen/view You Tube Video - re: JFK speech in 1961]

To The 2 Chief Justices of Alberta and Calgary Police Service


Time has revealed, too many judges are public sector crooks who enjoy being "Sexist-Chivalist" (both male and female judges).  The are some members from the "Boy's Cub" corrupted the system through tradition.  We are lucky to live in this fine Country that has fine fine laws, a charter, and a Consitution.

If Mr. Achtem could go back to the year 2003 to warn himself of what was to come the years follow the day Mrs. Sails and Mr. Achtem stopped cohabitting togther on July 23, 2003.  Mr. Achtem grew up in a finer Edmonton neighborhood.  His Father Edward Achtem Sr. was a lawyer for many years who only took on cases were divorces/separation were uncontested, and when Edward Achtem Sr. had individual looking for a lawyer to go to court and fight.  Then Edward Sr. in most case those who aproached him seeking court action.  During the time Edward Sr. practiced he earned a reputation of persuading most of those who working seeking court room divorce action.  Edward Sr. has save more marriages than most Lawyers are doing water to make their clients pay more be causing themselve to created more time to bill. 

Because Albert Einstein said; "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who will not do anything about it"  Somehow society has become indoctinated to not care about non-custodial parents who stuggle to remain in the childrens lives that vintictive ex-spouses like Mrs. Sails, who will do anything to prevented.  Her daughers from having her father in her life, just because she a woman scorned who feels Mr. Achtem s This Mr. Achtem is a member of a small minority group called; the "non-custodial parents's group".  Mrs. Sails and some individuals, and Canadian Federal appointed judge had collective Goal setout before them to carry out the devils work to make it impossible for the daughter of the marriage to have her father mr. Achtem in her life was a collective  collective goal  has even driven  those deprived of Justice, as a form of history repeats tradition.  Society has

[still need to be completed and a an edit]

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